A couple of weeks ago, we wrote about artificial intelligence and what marketing education could possibly look like in a decade of exponential growth of technology. If you missed the debate on promise vs peril, click here. Nevertheless, it’s common knowledge that the exponential growth of technology is being powered by machine learning, which is giving way to artificial intelligence. The conversation about if and/or when artificial intelligence becomes conscious is currently raging in conferences and forums worldwide. While tech moguls, like Google’s Ray Kurzweil, believe that artificial intelligence will not pass the speed of human intelligence until 2030, the reality of conscious AI is already being debated. For example, a British online newspaper, the Independent, recently wrote an article that AI may already be “slightly conscious.” The idea that sentient machines could be the most important catalyst for our long-term future is now a reality. Pandora’s box has inevitably been opened, and there’s no turning back.

The YouTube video above is an example by many who believe that AI is already much further along as a limited form of sentience than many may yet believe or realize. In this video, brilliant.org sponsored a discussion between the Digital Engine (not to be confused with our curriculum; not the same organization) YouTube creator and Elon’s GPT-3 artificial intelligence skinned in the Synthesia avatar. In this 20-minute video, the host has a conversation with the AI asking many random and then pointed questions, trying to test the sentience of the machine. Some of the AI’s answers will leave you shocked at the level of sophistication and care that the AI portrays to have for human beings. You must watch, and let us know your feelings below. Is this AI conscious?

The Digital Engine courseware and curriculum is designed for course participants to contemplate the exponential growth of technology within the next few decades. Whether artificial intelligence ultimately becomes human’s peril or promise, it’s inevitable that our global society has finally reached the period of exponential growth. Technology is moving faster and faster, and we are at a point in society where there is no turning back, barring some kind of global catastrophe. Therefore, the debate in this video between the human and the AI about future job availability and university global income is relevant for our generation and should be discussed in classrooms both now and in years to come. It is time for our society to begin shaping the parameters around where, when, and how we should and could be using sentient AI.

For a courseware and curriculum preview, feel free to register for demo course. This demo will allow you to not only get a feel for our content modules and practical takeaways, but it will also allow you to preview the navigation engine to our learning management system. You will find that it is easy to read and navigate through all of your learning modules. If you have questions before diving into the demo course, feel free to contact us. We look forward to working with you in taking or creating a dynamic and interesting course that goes beyond just the mechanics of inbound marketing techniques.


NOTE: Thank you to Brilliant.org and the Digital Engine YouTube channel for allowing us to backlink to their amazing video. You can find the Digital Engine on YouTube here, including this video posted three weeks ago that already has 2.6M views.


Categories: Current Events


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