“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
– Benjamin Franklin
At The Digital Engine, we value the entire process of learning, which is why we have built our courses to immerse you in the process of co-creation. Having taught the principles of inbound marketing for over a decade at the university level, our courses are designed to teach the course enrollee through a series of hands-on activities that spark creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. Our courses are not designed for knowledge, but for action. You learn as you design, as you create, as you assess, as you re-build, as you continue through this iterative cycle of continuous improvement. We hold to the maxim that “Anything worth doing well is worth doing poorly at first.” Therefore, don’t let the fear of a new skillset distract you from your end goal. You have an idea, but ideas without action are only regrets (Steve Jobs). Our courses will assist you in taking action on your ideas, whether that is funneling additional leads into your current business or endeavor or starting completely from scratch with a brand new idea. At The Digital Engine, we will work together to create a website and deploy an organic marketing campaign to drive economic opportunity from your ideas.
To teach people of any age how to use organic, inbound marketing principles to generate digital leads for any actionable idea or endeavor.
To supply on online economic opportunity for anyone willing to learn to build a website and deploy an online marketing campaign in the comfort of their own home.
Servant Leadership
Sincere Honesty
Diligent Problem-Solving
Timely Support
Valued Relationship